About Us
Lilly Tay is an online retailer providing competitive prices on horse saddles. We aim to provide a memorable experience when you shop on our online store by offering quality products with top-rated customer service. We are based in Texas, and we distribute worldwide via FedEx, UPS, and First Class Priority Mail.
We have a great team and aim to grow our business more and more, offering our customers the best saddles available.
If you have any questions about our products, or if would like to check the availability of an item, please use the Contact Us page to get in touch.
We built our site with the intention to give you not only what your looking for but helping you to make sure your making the right choices for yourself and also your horse.
We are here for you! we take our time and we make a commitment with each customer that comes to our site, from the moment you reach our homepage to the moment you receive your amazing saddle we will make sure all your needs are met.